I saved a herd of sick pigs - African Swine Fever

I saved pigs which dying.

I saved a herd of sick pigs (African Swine Fever), it was in January 2016.

The farmer called me, She called me Lady said that she has a farm has 500 pigs, and the pigs are dying and have died 30 pigs.

I said that "I would save the pigs".

I did diverts 500 pigs in a sty of this lady, and stopped to die.
Mrs. few days later she called me and said that "the miracle happened, there is no longer a dead pig".

What is my proof that I saved? I received for saving dying pigs payment, paid me for effect.

African swine fever (ASP), also known as African Swine Fever or Pestis Africana Suum, is a virus infection that is originally native to Africa. It is very similar to classical swine fever (CSF) in symptoms and course, but plays predominantly in Africa, on the Iberian peninsula and Sardinia. Despite the similar symptoms, ASP and KSP pathogens are not closely related. [1] [2] In the past, however, there were already outbreaks in other areas, a. in Belgium, Brazil, Dominican Republic, France, Haiti, Italy, Cuba, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. In Germany the disease has never occurred. [3] However, the epidemic occurred in eastern EU member countries in 2014. [4] African swine fever is considered a dangerous disease and is subject to notification. Combation after outbreak is similar to classical swine fever by the veterinary authorities under the Swine Fever Regulation.


Die afrikanische Schweinepest (ASP), auch African Swine Fever oder Pestis Africana Suum, ist eine Virusinfektion, die ursprünglich in Afrika beheimatet ist. Sie ist der Klassischen Schweinepest (KSP) in Symptomen und Verlauf sehr ähnlich, spielt jedoch vorwiegend in Afrika, auf der iberischen Halbinsel und Sardinien eine Rolle. Trotz der ähnlichen Symptome sind ASP- und KSP-Erreger nicht näher verwandt.[1][2] Durch Verschleppung im Reiseverkehr kam es in der Vergangenheit aber auch in anderen Gebieten schon zu Ausbrüchen, u. a. in Belgien, Brasilien, Dominikanische Republik, Frankreich, Haiti, Italien, Kuba, Malta, Niederlande, Portugal und Spanien. In Deutschland ist die Erkrankung noch nie aufgetreten.[3] 2014 trat die Seuche allerdings in östlichen Mitgliedsländern der EU auf.[4] Die afrikanische Schweinepest gilt als gefährliche Seuche und ist anzeigepflichtig. Die Bekämpfung nach Ausbruch erfolgt analog der klassischen Schweinepest nach der Schweinepestverordnung durch die Veterinärbehörden.

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